Hello everyone,
Happy Holidays!
We’re pleased to bring you our latest update, released just before Christmas. This update includes an improvement and a few bug fixes. Here’s what’s new in this release:
License upgrade permission
We’ve removed the restriction that only the study owner can request an upgrade on their study’s license via the researcher dashboard.
Bug Fixes
Survey flow with answers to choice-based questions
We fixed an issue on the participant web app where selecting “Finish the Survey” for the Next Section ID of answers in choice-based questions ended the survey prematurely, skipping the remaining questions in the same section.
Periodic reload timing
We’ve adjusted the iOS app to ensure the 30-day periodic study-reload schedule is set only after a successful study-reload, preventing postponement of the next periodic reloads in case a reload fails.
UI issues with data filtering components
We fixed a bug where the cursor incorrectly displayed as a “hand” over disabled buttons/icons like “Filter” and “Export as CSV” on the researcher dashboard. Additionally, the “Create New Filter” button is now fully visible in the Manage Filters dialog.
Sort button on the Participation table
We fixed an issue on the researcher dashboard’s Participation table where columns like first name, last name, email address, and end time incorrectly displayed a sort button despite being sortable using the data filtering.
Thank you for your continued feedback and support which helps us make Avicenna Research better with each release. We hope you find these updates useful. As always, we welcome your feedback and encourage you to reach out with any comments or questions on our Community Forum or contact us directly via Email. Stay tuned for more updates coming your way!