Hello everyone,
We’re excited to share the latest updates with you, arriving in the last week of November. This release features significant improvements for larger studies, alongside crucial bug fixes that enhance overall performance and user experience. Here’s a breakdown of what’s included in this update:
Criteria evaluation and caching
We implemented caching for criteria evaluation on our server, allowing the questions’ latest responses to be fetched once for all the current sessions of the same activity. This reduces unnecessary queries and prevents timeouts in some edge cases.
In-app notification status update flow
We optimized the in-app notification status update flow on our server to reduce CPU usage and handle batch operations more efficiently. This included eliminating redundant updates too.
Bug Fixes
Session button caption placeholder in in-app notifications
We resolved an issue in participant Android and iOS apps where the “Session Button Caption” placeholder in in-app notifications displayed the study name instead of the intended button caption.
Duplicate status updates for in-app notifications
Related to one of our improvements above, we resolved an issue in Android and iOS apps where reloading studies (for any reason) caused repeated status updates for in-app notifications. Reloading cleared the app data, leading to unnecessary recreation and rescheduling of notifications, even for unchanged sessions, hence redundant status updates.
Unintended researcher selection
We fixed a bug on the researcher dashboard where, after selecting and removing a researcher, another unselected researcher was automatically selected. We also checked this issue across other tables under the dashboard.
Sorting issue in Televisit recordings
We resolved a minor bug on the Recordings page where attempting to sort the table by the Recipient column only considered the full name of call recipients while the recipients can be participants and we show their ID/label if PII is disabled for the study.
Missing Previous button
We addressed an important issue in older surveys when accessed via the participant web app. The app did not consider the default visibility setting (which is “visible”) for the “Previous” button when this setting was not specified, which affected surveys created before we released the option last month.
Multiple-answer question responses and section flow
We fixed a bug in the participant web app where the flow of survey sections was not influenced by the selected answer(s) in Multiple Answer questions when the “Next Section” property was configured for the answer(s).
Device ID changes
We fixed an issue where, in rare cases, the Device ID on the participant iOS app would change, causing study registration failures.
Evaluation of question criteria referring to other surveys’ questions
We fixed a bug in the participant web app where question criteria referring to other surveys’ questions weren’t evaluated correctly during navigation, such as when clicking the “Next” button. The issue stemmed from criteria being evaluated only upon answering or updating responses. Now, the criteria is correctly assessed during all navigation flows, even if the previous question doesn’t have any response.
Criteria evaluation for the first question of survey
Related to the previous fix, we also resolved a bug where the criteria of the first question of surveys were not applied in the participant web app.
Thank you for your continued feedback and support which helps us make Avicenna Research better with each release. We hope you find these updates useful. As always, we welcome your feedback and encourage you to reach out with any comments or questions on our Community Forum or contact us directly via Email. Stay tuned for more updates coming your way!