Hello everyone,
Similar to last week, we’ve dedicated our efforts to improving system stability and resolving many critical issues. We’re also pleased to introduce a new enhancement. Here’s a detailed overview of what’s included in this release
Reference to survey questions in notification templates
We enhanced the Notification Templates by adding “Reference to Survey Question” to the placeholders list. This update allows researchers to easily add this placeholder through the UI, improving usability and eliminating the need to manually type it in.
Bug Fixes
Timezone margin issue in Activity Sessions
We resolved a timezone issue affecting the display of sessions in the “Day” mode on the Activity Sessions page, where sessions scheduled between 00:00 and 01:00 were not visible.
In-progress data for expired sessions
We fixed an issue in the participant Android and iOS apps where in-progress data was not cleared after the session expired. This caused new sessions for the same activity to incorrectly use the old in-progress data as the start.
Downloading pending invitations
We addressed an issue occurring on some specific study sites where downloading the pending invitations CSV raised an error related to the test participant feature we introduced recently.
Incorrect prompt times for sessions
We resolved an issue where sessions submitted via the participant web app had incorrect prompt times, including dates from the 1970s. The update ensures that the prompt time matches the scheduled time accurately.
Preventing multiple form submissions on the sign-up page
We addressed an issue where the sign-up page on the web app allowed users to click the Sign Up button multiple times, sending multiple requests. This update implements a loading state for that button, preventing additional clicks and multiple form submissions.
Incorrect loop placeholder values
We fixed an issue with looped survey sections in the participant web app where placeholder values did not match the expected format. After answering a number question marked as the loop source, subsequent sections incorrectly displayed the placeholder referring to that question as 0, 1, 2, etc., rather than 1st, 2nd, and so on. We also ensured that all supported languages have translations for these ordinal numbers.
Incorrect value for placeholders referring to Multiple Answer questions
We resolved an issue in the participant web app where placeholders referring to Multiple Answer questions were not correctly replaced with the list of selected answers. Instead of displaying the answer contents in the order they were selected, placeholders remained unchanged.
General error messaging for session CSV upload
We fixed an issue with session CSV uploads where an unclear error message was shown if the scheduled time of a row was not within the corresponding participant’s participation start and end times. This fix ensures that the specific error details are now shown.
Dropout survey access
We resolved an issue on the participant Android app where participants were unable to open the dropout survey and faced an error.
Crash with Audio and Audio/Text questions
We fixed a critical issue where the participant iOS app would crash when participants responded to Audio and Audio/Text questions in surveys, decided to continue the session later, and re-opened the survey.
Crash with choice-based questions
Related to the previous bug fix, we resolved an issue where the participant iOS app would crash when saving the in-progress responses to surveys with single answer and multiple answer questions, re-opening the survey, and navigating to the next or previous question from those choice-based questions.
Timezone handling in activity responses
We addressed several issues with timezone handling on the Activity Responses page and during its exports. The fixes ensure that participant dates/times are correctly reflected in responses despite timezone changes.
Video box for the current user in Televisit calls
We fixed the Televisit calls to ensure the user’s video stream in the bottom right now displays the entire frame, rather than just covering the video box.
Reason behind unanswered questions in looped sections
We resolved an issue on both iOS and Android apps where the reason a survey question in looped sections was left unanswered was not correctly recorded.
Crash with Barcode questions
We fixed a survey bug causing the participant iOS app to crash when navigating back to a previously answered Barcode question.
Thank you for your continued feedback and support which helps us make Avicenna Research better with each release. We hope you find these updates useful. As always, we welcome your feedback and encourage you to reach out with any comments or questions on our Community Forum or contact us directly via Email. Stay tuned for more updates coming your way!