Weekly Release Notes - 2024-09-10

Hello everyone,

We are excited to share another update with you. This week, we could release two new features and some important bug fixes! Here’s a breakdown of what’s new:

:rocket: New Features

Test Participants

You’ve likely been using the participant label for distinguishing between main and test participants. Now, you can set or invite participants as test participants without affecting the labels. This will aid in more precise study analysis and improve the upcoming quota calculation feature. You can read more about this on our Learn website.

Fitbit Weight Log

We already integrated Avicenna with Fitbit. Now, you can also collect the Fitbit Weight Log. This new metric captures users’ weight logs, including weight and BMI. For more details, please visit Fitbit Weight Log on our Learn website.

:lady_beetle: Bug Fixes

Decimal number input for survey questions

We fixed an issue on the participant iOS app where entering a decimal number for number-based survey questions would clear the input if a comma was used instead of a dot. Now, the app automatically converts commas to dots to ensure the correct number entry.

“No Data” representation for sensor data

We resolved an issue in the researcher dashboard where, despite collected sensor data being available, some data sources showed a “No Data” message instead of the expected plot under the participants’ Devices details.

Skipping the last question in surveys

We fixed an issue where participants on the web app were unable to skip the last question of a survey if it was not mandatory.

Survey sessions responded to or edited by researchers

We addressed an issue where submitting responses would fail on survey sessions that researchers had responded to or tried to edit the responses.

Sessions from user triggering logics

We fixed an issue on the participant web app where participants encountered an error while trying to open a session with a user triggering logic.

Thank you for your continued feedback and support which helps us make Avicenna Research better with each release. We hope you find these updates useful. As always, we welcome your feedback and encourage you to reach out with any comments or questions on our Community Forum or contact us directly via Email. Stay tuned for more updates coming your way!

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Hi @mojtaba :wave:,

Thanks for the update… I am new to the platform, and these changes sound great. Looking forward to exploring the new features; I’ll reach out if I have any questions…

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Hi @leenasmitth,

Welcome to Avicenna! I’m glad to hear that the changes sound great to you. :blush: You might want to check other ways to stay updated about our platform too.

Also, if you have any questions, it’d be helpful if you create new topics for each one. Or you can contact our support at support@avicennaresearch.com. We’re here to help.

Looking forward to your feedback and engagement!

Best regards,