Weekly Release Notes - 2024-07-09

Hello everyone,

We’ve got some exciting updates to share this week! We’ve introduced a highly requested feature and fixed two bugs, one of which was critical. We’re also gearing up for the release of two major features in the coming weeks. Here’s the breakdown of this week’s release:

:rocket: New Features

Duplicating a study

You can now duplicate your study protocol (not the data) into a new study. This is particularly useful if you want to start fresh after completing a pilot study. We hope this feature will make study creation easier and faster. Learn more about it here.

:lady_beetle: Bug Fixes

Missing icons for some data sources

We’ve fixed a minor issue where icons for certain data sources (e.g., WHOOP and Polar) failed to load on both the researcher dashboard and the participant’s web app.

Failed audit logs on the participant app

An increasing number of participants were experiencing issues with audit logs not being sent successfully in our web app. We’ve addressed this critical issue promptly.

Thank you for your ongoing feedback and support, which help us improve Avicenna Research with each release. We hope you find these updates, especially the new feature, useful. As always, we welcome your feedback. Feel free to reach out on our Community Forum or contact us directly via Email. Stay tuned for more updates!