Weekly Release Notes - 2024-04-16

Hello everyone,

We’re back with another batch of updates! This week’s release is aimed at fixing some important issues and keeping things running smoothly. Here’s a peek at what we’ve been up to:

:sparkles: Improvements:

  • Pedometer and motion-based activity recognition data collection logic on iOS:

    • We’ve modified our data collection cycle to address potential gaps in pedometer and motion-based activity recognition (MBAR) data. Now, on iOS, in the event of app termination, Avicenna will collect data from the most recent time it fetched pedometer or MBAR data.

:lady_beetle: Bug Fixes:

  • Survey preview stability:

    • We’ve addressed an issue causing the survey preview to get stuck in an infinite loop. With this fix, the preview now displays the current survey version without any hiccups.
  • Layout direction in surveys:

    • We’ve fixed the layout direction of the surveys in our iOS app. Now, when the participant selects a right-to-left language (like Farsi) and the survey has translations in that language, the survey contents will be displayed in the expected direction.
  • Skipping the first question in surveys:

    • We’ve resolved an issue that was causing the first question in a survey to be skipped when the participant opens the survey using the web app. This issue, which resurfaced due to recent changes, has been swiftly addressed.
  • Submitting sessions after a study reload on iOS:

    • Previously, in some cases, submitted sessions would persist on the sessions list. This issue occurred when the study in the participant’s device was reloaded after the participant received a Session Released notification for a session, and after the reload, the participant opened and submitted the session by tapping on the notification. We’ve now resolved this issue, ensuring that sessions vanish as expected after submission.

Thanks for sticking with us through these updates. Your feedback drives our improvements, so keep it coming! If you have any questions or want to share your thoughts, head over to our Community Forum or send us an email.

Until next time!