Weekly Release Notes - 2024-02-27

Hello everyone,

We’re thrilled to share the latest updates on 2024-02-27.

:rocket: New Features:

  • Survey Responses History:
    • Now, you can easily keep track of any changes made to survey responses, complete with details on who made the change and when. It’s a step forward in ensuring transparency and accountability. The history is accessible on the Activity Responses page (when viewing responses) and the Activity Sessions page (when editing the responses).

:sparkles: Improvements:

  • Rebranding - Part 2:
    • As part of our ongoing Rebranding Roadmap, we renamed our apps from “Ethica (Avicenna)” to “Avicenna (Ethica)”. Following this change, participants will still be able to find our app by looking for “Ethica”, although the name “Avicenna” will be more prominent.

Big thanks for your continued feedback and support which helps us make Avicenna Research better with every update. We hope you enjoy these fresh additions. Feel free to share your thoughts on our Community Forum or contact us directly by Email. Stay tuned for more updates headed your way!