Using VAS (likert scale) questions for exclusion criteria


I am wondering if it is possible to ‘sum’ together responses to questions and use that to value to enable different sets of questions. If they get a certain score over the first 8 questions we want to be able to ask different sets of questions for a low, medium and high threshold. Is there any functionality that might allow this?



Unfortunately, we don’t support an easy intuitive way to achieve this. Our Criteria grammar doesn’t include arithmetic operators (e.g. +). But you can achieve what you need using some unintuitive workarounds:

Workaround 1:

Use a very long complex Criteria with conditional and logical operators. For example, the following condition checks for one of the cases in which the sum of eight question answers is bigger than 5:

(Q1 == 0 AND Q2 == 0 AND ... AND Q7 == 0 AND Q8 > 5)

You need to repeat this with OR while considering all possible cases. And if “low”, “medium”, and “high” are ranges and not single numbers, the conditions will get more complex. Also, the range of possible answers to each question might have a role in the complexity.

Workaround 2:

If you can separate the first eight questions into another survey, you can define a 3rd survey with one question that should be responded to by researchers only. So, participants will respond to those eight questions in survey 1, then you as a researcher open survey 2 (with one question) and enter the sum of those 8 questions’ answers, and then the participants should open survey 3 which includes question sets based on the sum value.

You can read more about our researcher-responded surveys here.

Workaround 3:

You can add a new question after those eight questions, show the answers the participants gave to the first eight (read more about Placeholders), and ask them to enter the sum themselves. Then base your next question sets on the answer to that new question. This is especially possible if the range of answers is short and you’re certain all participants can and will answer correctly.

If none of these workarounds works for you and you still really need this feature, you can contact our Sales team at

Best regards,