Surveys/notifications are not send

This regards ethica study 2045, participant ID: 73192

The daily survey (dagelijkse vragenlijst) should be sent for a period of 120 days. in this specific instance, notifications were not sent on 2-5 of augusts (i checked and there no pending notifications either on those dates). This did follow a list of expired surveys, but the surveys were not blocked.

This leads to a loss of crucial data and unhappy participants. can you please try to figure out what is happening here?

Dear @a.m.kaag

Sorry for this inconvenience.
According to what you said, they didn’t receive any notifications from Aug 2nd till Aug 5th. So, they don’t have any notification issues at the moment, correct?
I checked sessions for that participant and found that they don’t have any sessions at the mentioned time. Did you change their participation period by any chance?


That is indeed correct. Currently that specific person does not seem to have a notification issue, but they were not sent for 4 days (2 to 4 august). I did not change the participation period. As said, they all have a daily survey that continues from start to end, daily for a period of 120 days. So i don’t know why suddenly for four days the sessions are not there.

Dear @a.m.kaag,

I apologize for the delay in response. We are still investigating and will get back to you no later than August 20th.

Best Regards,

Dear @a.m.kaag

So sorry for the late response, we are still investigating this issue and will get back to you soon.

Kind regards,