"Something went wrong" when editing activities

I’ve been working on activities and now when I try to edit them further, the site notifies me that something went wrong. I tried releasing and duplicating the activities as well and was unsuccessful. Will I need to restart my activities all over?

Hi @jlabelle,

Could you please provide your Study ID, and also any specific Activity ID which you experienced the issue when tried to publish it?


Hi @faham,
Study ID: 3424
Activity IDs: 19527 & 19528

I’m not able to access either activities at all.

Thank you!

Dear @jlabelle ,

Just wanted to let you know that we’re still investigating the issue you mentioned. Will get back to you in 20 hours.


Dear @jlabelle

Sorry for the delay in my response. This issue will be fixed today in a few hours. I apologize for any inconvenience.
