'Progress' in notifications

Hi everyone,
I’ve been struggling with the criteria of my notifications connected to a survey.

We have a survey that’ll be send for 7 days in a row in 3 waves (baseline, after 8 weeks and after 6 months). I set up 7 different notifications for these 7 days to show participants their progress in the wave (e.g. ‘This is the first/second/third/…/last questionnaire of this week’).

First, I used these criteria for the 7 notifications: _days_since_reg_date == 1
_days_since_reg_date == 2
… up until == 7
But I tested this and received the notifications all at once.
I thought the following criteria would fix it (so it would only apply to exactly this number of days after registering), but I’m still having this issue: _days_since_reg_date == 1 AND NOT _days_since_reg_date > 1
(again up until > 7)

Since I used this e-mailadress before for testing my survey, I thought this might be the problem, because I registered for Avicenna a while ago, but it also didn’t work with another account. I somehow receive the notifications all at once right after joining the study.

Can you help me fixing this? Or is there another way in which I can show my participants their progress in their current wave of surveys?


Hi Fay! @fbanffe
I hope you’re doing well. Well, my take is that you want the notifications to be sent on a daily basis upon survey release (please correct me if I’m wrong). In that case I highly suggest you to notify participants based on the survey release instead of their registration date.
to do that, on the “Notification templates” step of survey creation, when you’re creating a notification template, for each survey select the Session released for the Notify On* drop down and then set the appropriate Offset (whether you want to notify your participants after the survey release, upon survey release, or before survey release) and finally add the appropriate message to the Description and Title of the notification. This way, your participants will get notified about the survey on the survey release day regardless of when they joined the study, and the notification contains the message that you want. Just please make sure you do this for each survey independently with the appropriate message.
The reason that your current solution doesn’t work is that the registration date is the date that your participant joined the study and as you said before, since your account has been active for a long time, the system automatically notifies you as you have satisfied the requirement.

Hi Amin,
Thank you for your reply. I’m aware of this option but unforunately I don’t think this will fix my problem. The thing is that I have one 1 survey that I’d like to send for 7 days in a row with a different notification message for each day. The solution you’re suggesting would only let me send the same message on these 7 days right?

Hi Fay @fbanffe
Yes, you’re correct. In that case, please use the following solution and see if it can help:
From the activity editor:
1- In “Triggering Logics” tab, setup 7 different triggering logics, type something like “Survey n/7” where n=1,…,7 as the “Button Caption” for each triggering logic.
2- Head over to “Notification Templates” and create a Notification Template. Set the “Notify on” to “Session Released”, Click on “Add Placeholder” under the “Description*” and select “Session Button Caption”
3- Save and release the survey
Check this solution please and let me know if it works.
Best, Amin

Hi Amin, Thank you for your reply.
To make it even more complicated, we already had 6 different Time triggering logics because we want participants in our study to be able to choose out of 6 options at what time they will receive their daily survey.
Does that mean that for your solution to work, I would need to set up 42 different triggering logics?
Also I’m not sure if I understand what the placeholder would do in this case. Could you maybe elaborate on that? We would like the descriptions of the notifications to be something like: ‘Hi, this is the first/second/…seventh questionnaire of this wave.’ Do I understand it correctly that if we name our triggering logics ‘first questionnaire’ etc., we would be able to insert this text in the description of the notification?

You’re welcome @fbanffe

if we name our triggering logics ‘first questionnaire’ etc., we would be able to insert this text in the description of the notification?

The answer is yes :slight_smile: (I assume by name our triggering logics… You meant name the button captions)

To make it even more complicated, we already had 6 different Time triggering logics because we want participants in our study to be able to choose out of 6 options at what time they will receive their daily survey.

Based on my current solution, yes you will need 42 different TLs. But maybe we can find another solution.
Have you set an absolute time for your surveys, or they’ll be shown to the participant based on the date that they’ve joined the study? Will you start the study once everyone’s joined or this will be an ongoing study with people joining in at different times? Regarding the 6 different TLs it would be best to describe how you’ve defined them and their criteria.
Best, Amin.

Hi Amin,
It would be great if there’s another solution, but maybe our study design makes that a bit difficult. The surveys will be sent based on the date participants have joined the study (1st survey one day after joining the study). It will be an ongoing study with people joining in at different times.

Our 6 TLs are defined as follows:

|###### Criteria|Q21939_2 == 1| … up until == 6 (where this is a question in the survey in which participants choose a preferred time for the main survey to be sent)
| — | — |
|###### Button Caption|-|
|###### Icon|-|
|###### Base Time|Study Registration Date|
|###### Period|No|
|###### First Trigger|After 0 days at 11:00:00| (this is the first option of the 6 different time options)
|###### Repetition|Repeatedly trigger the activity.|
|###### Repeat|Daily every 1 day|
|###### End Repetition|After 7 occurrences|
|###### Summary|First Trigger After 0 days at 11:00:00, Relative to the mid-night of the Study Registration Date repeats Daily every 1 day and ends After 7 occurrences.|

Hi Fay @fbanffe
Sorry it took me long to get back to you. I was on a short break.
Okay, your study is a bit complicated and for your case, I highly suggest moving forward with the 42 TLs that we discussed as that would be your safest option.
One thing of note is some participants might forget to answer your baseline question or answer it later in the study, resulting in missing some surveys. I highly recommend setting a default TL, to make sure that your participants receive the surveys albeit at a default time.
To do that, pick any of the times as the default time. and put this as criteria:
Q21939_2 == 1 OR NOT Q21939_2
If Q21939_2 is a SAQ (Single Answer Question) you should be good to go with the criteria I wrote, Otherwise, you have to make sure that participants cannot select the 0 as a value. In that case the criteria will fail.
Best, Amin

Hi Amin, No problem. Thank you for the recommendation about the default.

I finished up setting up the 42 TLs and tried testing them. Unfortunately, so far the placeholder in the notification with the session button doesn’t seem to be working.

(My study ID is 3911)

For example, this is one of the TLs:

###### Criteria Q21939_2 == 1 OR NOT Q21939_2
###### Button Caption De eerste van de zeven vragenlijsten
###### Icon -
###### Base Time Study Registration Date
###### Period No
###### First Trigger After 0 days at 11:00:00
###### Repetition Don’t repeat the activity (trigger only once).
###### Summary First Trigger After 0 days at 11:00:00, Relative to the mid-night of the Study Registration Date.

Which should be connected to the notification template with the following description:
{{session_button_caption}} die je deze week gaat krijgen voor het OptiBlend onderzoek staat klaar. Vul hem in voordat hij verloopt. Bedankt voor het meedoen!

I either get the notification with the text {{session_button_caption}} as is or completely without this text part. Can you figure out what I’m doing wrong?

Hi @fbanffe
I’m so sorry for the late response. I never got the notification for your reply, just randomly came to see if your issue is resolved and saw your message.

Okay I did test it myself and while the button caption works correctly in the email notification, there seems to be an issue with the in app notification.
Have you tried the email notification as well?
Please let me know once your issue is fixed.

I will communicate the in-app notification bug to the team and we will work on a fix. I’ll update you once the issue is resolved.
Best, Amin

Hi Amin, Thank you for your response.

Since we are using email aliases for participants based on our research team’s mailbox, we won’t be able to use email notifications.

I tried enabling them to test it just in case. I didn’t receive an email using my test account with the email alias, but I did receive the correct email notification when I used my Avicenna account with my personal email adress.

I hope you’ll be able to fix the bug in the in app notifications. We are planning on starting our trial in 3 weeks from now. Do you expect the issue to be resolved by then? Otherwise I think we need to skip the placeholders in the notifications.

Hi Fay @fbanffe
I have added that to the list. I will let you know the update date by Monday EOD. Thanks.

Hi Amin,
Do you have an update on the bug?
Thank you

Hi Fay @fbanffe
I’m so sorry it took me longer than originally promised to get back to you. We’ve had a super busy week, hopefully this will be fixed within the next 7 days.
Best, Amin

Hi Amin,
No problem. Do you know if there is any progress in fixing this?

Hello again Fay @fbanffe
Thank you so much for your patience while we work on this. You can expect the fix to be deployed between November 26th and December 3rd. We will try our best to release it as soon as we can, but unfortunately at times we have to make the hard decision to reprioritize some issues to make sure the critical functionalities are in top shape. Thanks for your understanding.
best, Amin

Hi Amin,
Thank you for the update. Since we’ll start recruiting participants from the beginning of december, it would be great if the bug is fixed next week. Let me know if you happen to need more time.

Hi Amin, do you have an update on the bug fix?

Hi Fay @fbanffe
The fix has been released on November 27th. Please try it out again and let me know if the issue is still there.
I’m sorry for the late fix and the inconvenience this has caused you.

Hi Amin,
Thanks so much! It’s seems to have been fixed