Participant does not receive notifications

hi there,

One of my participant is experience problems, which i cannot explain. it conserns study ID 2045, participant, ethica ID: 73085

The participant claims that on several days he does not receive a survey. One example is june 9th. I can see that the notification is sent, but the survey itself is marked as ‘unanswered’, while in other cases when the participant is too late in answer the survey, it is marked as ‘expired’.

We already have an expiration time on the survey, so that should not be the problem.

Do you have any idea why this is happening?

Dear @a.m.kaag,

I apologize for the delay in responding to your message. After reviewing the “Sessions” tab, it appears that the participant’s device application is aware of the daily survey sessions and is able to prompt them successfully in most cases.

To better understand the issue, I kindly request clarification on what the participant means by “not receiving a survey.” Are they referring to the situation where they open the Ethica application and find no surveys available, or is it related to not receiving notification prompts for the surveys on certain days?

As you may have noticed, the notification for the session on July 9th (I believe you mentioned “June” by mistake) was sent successfully, suggesting that the participant might have inadvertently overlooked the notification. It would be greatly beneficial if the participant could provide screenshots illustrating the occurrence of this issue.

Please be assured that we are actively investigating this problem and will keep you updated on the results soon.

Best regards,

Dear Sepehr,

The participants does receive the notifications, but does not see the survey in the ethica app.
I already asked for a screenshot, but did not receive it…

Kind regards,
Anne Marije

Dear @a.m.kaag

I will investigate your problem and will get back to you with an update regarding this issue.


Dear @a.m.kaag

I’m investigating the issue but in the meantime make sure that the Time/Date settings of the participant’s phone are set to automatic and reload the study on the phone after that.
Also, on the app info (You can check that in Settings → Apps → Ethica), Check if Alarms and Reminders are allowed.
Let me know the result.
