Eligibility Survey not working


I am trying to add an eligibility survey to my study in order to confirm prospective participants compliance with my inclusion criteria.

Ethica Learn suggests two routes: a regular survey with eligbility trigger logistics OR an eligibility survey.
The regular survey does not let me add an eligbility trigger logistic.
The eligbility survey only shows ‘content’ and ‘preview & publish’ but gives me the error “Eligibility triggering logic with an ID of 0 has an empty criteria.”
Trying to edit the criteria of the activity through ‘settings’ in the ‘content’ tab gives me an error page and reloads without saving my input.

Where am I supposed to describe the criteria for eligibility?

My eligbility survey ID is 19888

Best regards,
Jan Behrens


I would like to express my gratitude for bringing the matter to our attention. We want to assure you that we are fully aware of this particular issue, and our team is actively engaged in addressing it.

We understand the importance of resolving this matter promptly and are committed to resolving it as swiftly as possible.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work towards a solution.



I’m happy to share that we’ve resolved the issue related to publishing eligibility surveys. Furthermore, our team is currently working on resolving the criteria problem within the content tab settings of the survey. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and we appreciate your patience as we address these concerns


amazing! Thank you for addressing this issue so quickly! I also see that I am now able to publish it.

Best regards,
Jan Behrens