Delete participant data from other study

Dear Avicenna team,

One of my participants accidentally participated in a different Avicenna study. Instead of the registration code for our study, the participant used their unique participant ID, which coincidentally gave them access to another Avicenna study. Thinking it was our study, she completed the questionnaires for several days (the questions seemed to also fit with our study).
After noticing the mistake today during our video call where we gave her access to our study, they immediately dropped from the other study. However, the participant would like all their data from the other study erased, as it also included sensitive information/questions. Could you help them delete their data from the other study (please note that this person is still participating in our study)? Due to privacy reasons, I did not include the other study ID and the participant’s Avicenna ID, but will be happy to provide that in a private message.

Thank you already in advance!

Best wishes,
Susanne (study ID #3302)

Hi Susanne,

Sorry to hear about the confusion. Could you please share the participant ID and the other study ID with us through the support channel? Kindly send this information to
